Today was a busy day in District 104! I was able to make a few stops in Savoy!
First, I went to Fly Champaign-Urbana, Willard Airport for a tour of the facility. Experience Champaign-Urbana was also along for the tour. Our group was able to pose for a picture in front of Experience CU’s wall at the airport.

\Next was at Old Orchard Lanes and Links for a quick bite to eat. Two thumbs up for the Italian Beef Pizza!

Following lunch, the Village of Savoy showed me the Savoy Recreation Center, the Village Hall building, the Public Works Dept., and around the Savoy Fire Department.

To end the day, I stopped at Colbert Park. It was pretty chilly today, so a quick visit.

Thank you to the Village of Savoy and Willard Airport for a great day in District 104!