DANVILLE, IL… State Representative Brandun Schweizer (R-Danville) is debuting his first annual Summer Reading Program for students in Kindergarten through 5th grade that live in or attend school in the 104th District. The Representative is encouraging students to “Get in the Game” and read this summer by joining his program.
“I am excited to officially launch this program and encourage students to get in the game and keep their minds active by reading,” said Rep. Schweizer. “Reading is extremely important to me, and I hope by announcing this program students will continue to foster a love of reading, even outside of school.”
The “Get in the Game” Summer Reading Program begins on May 1, 2024, and ends on July 15, 2024. Students in grades Kindergarten through 5th grade are encouraged to join by reading eight (8) books over their summer break and submitting their forms, with parent or guardian verification, online or mailing them to Rep. Schweizer’s Danville office. If a student reads a book for another summer reading program, they may also record them for Rep. Schweizer’s program. Any books read over 150 pages may count as two books.
Once students return completed forms to Rep. Schweizer on or before July 15, 2024, they will receive an invitation to attend a summer reading celebration with Rep. Schweizer in the late summer. Printed summer reading brochures will be delivered to local schools in the 104th District before the school year ends for summer break. Those in homeschooling programs or co-ops should contact the Danville office for flyers or visit repschweizer.com and click on the “Summer Reading” tab, nested under “Resources” to submit a digital copy.
Mailed forms may be sent to Representative Brandun Schweizer at 3821 Vermilion Ste. 5, Danville, IL 61832. With questions, please contact Rep. Schweizer’s office at (217) 477-0104 or visit his website at repschweizer.com.
