Schweizer, Others Work to Protect Safe Drinking Water

DANVILLE, IL… State Representative Brandun Schweizer (R-Danville) filed HB 5870 on Friday to ban any carbon sequestration activity in and around federally designated Sole Source Aquifers, including the Mahomet Aquifer. The legislation also prohibits the Environmental Protection Agency from issuing permits to any applicant that is knowingly intending to conduct any carbon sequestration activity over any sole source aquifer.

The legislation comes after Governor Pritzker signed SB 1289 late last month. The newly signed law introduces a three-step process to capture, transport, and sequester carbon. The carbon is captured from high carbon emitting areas and transported to central and southern parts of the state to be sequestered and stored in pore storage sites under the rock shale formations. The legislation fails to address drinking water protections, allowing piping and drilling in and around water sources, like the Mahomet Aquifer. 

“My biggest concern with the newly signed legislation is the possible drilling in and around the Mahomet Aquifer, which supplies drinking water to my entire district and much of east-central Illinois,” said Rep. Schweizer. “I cannot be supportive of legislation that allows a region to be put at risk with possible water contamination and sequestration function failures. That is why I filed legislation in support of safe drinking water, a measure that should have been taken before the legislation was signed into law.” 

Following the passage of SB 1289, Rep. Schweizer was one of twelve bipartisan, bicameral legislators that signed a letter that was sent to Gov. Pritzker. The letter emphasized the risks that carbon sequestration poses to drinking water and asked that injecting carbon waste through and under the Mahomet Aquifer be banned. Although no response came from the Governor’s office regarding the bipartisan plea, Rep. Schweizer remains dedicated to working across the aisle and fighting for stronger water protections. 

To learn more about HB 5870, visit ILGA’s website. To support Rep. Schweizer’s legislation and work towards implementing safeguards on water sources, residents may sign the petition on his website. The letter sent to Gov. Pritzker is also be included. With questions, please contact Rep. Schweizer’s office at (217) 477-0104 or by visiting
