The Vermilion County Recorder’s Office is participating in Honors Rewards, a program for veterans. This program allows businesses to offer a discount or free item to any veteran that visits their establishment or buys their products. Businesses are in charge of choosing what they would like to offer to veterans.
Any businesses that choose to participate will be listed on the Honor Rewards website for Vermilion County, will appear on the Honor Rewards card given to registered veterans, and will be mentioned in periodic emails as a participating business. Businesses that choose to participate will also be given promotional items to advertise being a part of the program.
For interested businesses wishing to participate, please fill out the form attached below, or apply online at, by clicking the business sign-up option. Any veterans not signed up can use the same link.
Additional information is listed below. With questions, please contact Vermilion County Recorder Crisi Walls at (217) 554-604.