SPRINGFIELD, IL… State Representative Brandun Schweizer (R-Danville) took part in a press conference at the Illinois State Capitol today alongside fellow legislators Rep. Travis Weaver (R-Edwards) and Rep. Regan Deering (R-Decatur) in support of homeschool families and in opposition to HB 2827.
The pending legislation greatly increases regulations on homeschool families and programs, sets onerous new provisions for how homeschool programs should operate, mandates declaration forms to be submitted to the local school district that the student would otherwise attend, and establishes truancy punishments for non-compliance.
“This legislation is a slippery slope, and one that could quickly slide into more and more regulations on homeschool families in the future,” said Rep. Schweizer. “Sweeping regulatory legislation like this will make the future of homeschooling difficult if not impossible for Illinois families. We see this degradation of freedom happen too often in the Illinois legislature. We have a large number of serious problems in Illinois, especially within our public education system. Let me be clear, homeschool families are not the problem.”
HB 2827 was assigned to the Education Policy Committee but is not currently scheduled for a hearing. To follow the bill’s progress, visit ilga.gov.
To view the press conference video, see below:
With questions, please feel free to contact Rep. Schweizer’s office at (217) 477-0104 or visit his website at RepSchweizer.com.